Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Scarlet Letter

For my 19th century novel I read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The main theme of the novel is adultery and the consequences that people face if they commit it. For those of you that have read the book before or seen the movie Easy A. You know that the main character Hester Prynne is forced to wear a bright, red, letter A on her clothes, after she conceives a daughter, named Pearl through an adulterous affair.  After being exposed for the crime she struggles to create a new life of dignity. Another theme in the book was guilt. Hester  was a bold woman and  she wasn't ashamed of committing the sin. She doesn't confess to who she had the affair with either. Hester went against the morals of the society and she was judged and ridiculed for not being a righteous woman. In the end her secret is revealed that she had the affair with Dimmesdale and they were buried with a red A on their tombstone. I believe that the moral of the story is that the truth always comes out even if  you try to cover it up so you should always be honest.


  1. I completely agree. You can try to hide the truth however much you want to, but it will eventually come out. Based on what you have written this story seems like a rather interesting novel. It was great how you could compare the story to a movie you have seen.

    -Destiny O.

  2. I remeber reading this book sophmore year and thinking how horrible the town was for all the mockery they make of hester.
    -Kyle Fischer

  3. Chrystal!
    I think another theme of this book could be that one should think about the consequences of their actions before deciding to do something that they might regret or could have a huge impact on their lives.
    -Miriam Rizk(:

  4. I agree Miriam that is very true.
    -Chrystal O.

  5. I just wanted to say that I hated this book because I thought it was very boring. But, I am willing to read it again to study what our ancestors have done in the past and not repeat it again.

    -Richard Won
    Period 3
