Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Pact

For my 20th century novel, I read The Pact.  This story is about Chris Harte and Emily Gold, childhood friends who fall in love.  From an outsiders view, their lives seemed perfect.  Their families were best friends and not only did they want their children to date, they thought they would get married in the future.  However, all that changes once Emily Gold is announced dead due to a gun shot to the head.  With Chris being the only one there at the time of the accident, all fingers are pointed to him and he is being tried for murder.  The story flashes back from "Then" to "Now" and we learn about how they grew up together and the aftermath when Chris is in trial.  

This book shows qualities from the 20th century because Chris is an example of loss of belief in anything besides self.  No one knows the real truth besides Chris himself.  He doesn't know how to deal with losing the one person that meant the most to him.  He can only trust himself because he has no one else to go to.

-Daniella B. Period 3

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