Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mrs. Elliott

is the best


  1. As unbelievable as it might seem, this sentence fragment is actully the most readable thing I've found in pursuance of the various blogs available. In retrospect, it might have been a bad idea to cultivate an allergic reaction to horrible writing. Or so I would say if today was enormous understatement day.

    Since just about every single other post causes me to go into anaphylactic shock, this is the one post I will comment on for the weekly ... quota. Which is as follows:
    "Well done, the post was short, succint, and to the point, conveying the entire idea in as few words as possible, rather than conveying as little of the idea as possible in the most words. It is a sad day indeed when the butchery of the English language has devolved to such a point that a sentence fragment is the best piece of reading avaiable. Doubly so because the butchery was done in the name of learning English. Cricket."

    K. Lin

  2. Actually, "Mrs. Elliott is the best" is a sentence, not a sentence fragment. It contains both a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. In fact, it is actually a thought I enjoyed hearing. Furthermore, lengthy sentences do not necessarily mean advanced thinking is involved. Finally, the most skilled writers also know that sentence fragments can be an effective rhetorical strategy.

    Thanks for the inspiration to respond.

  3. Mrs. Elliott is the title, the actual post itself is just the "is the best" portion. I don't count post titles as part of the body of the post itself. Since most of the time it, while relevant to the post itself, isn't actually an integral part of it.

    K. Lin

  4. I'll take into account that to me, this is a sentence. I like how this sentence, while short, gets its message across very strongly.

    -Richard Won
    Period 3
